First Aid at Work Training in Kent - East Kent First Aid

Company:East Kent First Aid
Category:First Aid Training
Address:58 West Park Avenue
Telephone:07887 932913
Email: Send me an email

Business Description

At East Kent First Aid we help businesses across Kent to provide the best first aid training possible for their employees and customers by having qualified first aid trainers teaching nationally recognised qualifications that comply with UK HSE regulations. Increasingly employers are realising that their most valuable asset is their workforce and that investing in their development is investing in the future of their business.

We specialise in bringing on-site training to you location, which means the trainers deliver courses at your place of work at a time and date that you chose which is the most cost effective way of running that courses.

All of our courses are in compliance with the  Health and Safety at work act 1974 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) 1981 act which are mandatory for all businesses.

Trainers are regularly vetted by the awarding organisations and the regulatory authority (OFQUAL)

Our Team

View Chris Kenneally profile Chris Kenneally
First Aid Training
07887 932913